donderdag 14 februari 2013


These photographs don't need an explanation.

There’s a light in you
and it makes me never fear
the darkness in me.
     - Tyler Knott Gregson.


dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Quotation marks

I have a Wordpad document on my laptop in which I've been collecting quotes for the past couple of years.

Something like: 
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. 
     - Agatha Christie.

Books say: She did this because. Life says: She did this. Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren’t. I’m not surprised some people prefer books. Books make sense of life. The only problem is that the lives they make sense of are other people’s lives, never your own.
     - Julian Barnes.

And even:
Stress, in addition to being itself and the result of itself, is also the cause of itself.
     - Roberts.

But one of my favorites has got to be:
I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in. 
     - Virginia Woolf.

When I leave this Earth, I want to leave behind a quote.


Sometimes, my parents spoil me.
For instance: on my birthday, they gave me a new camera.
I'll miss my old Canon 300D, but the prospect of continuous shooting sounds too good to pass up on!
Here are a couple of test shots I collected over the past couple of months:

So, what have you been up to lately?


zondag 21 oktober 2012


Let me tell you something - comfort zones are not fun. I struggle with mine all the time, because it just makes me feel like a bird trapped in a small golden cage. No matter how hard I flutter my wings, the bars won't yield.
But today one of the bars broke and I'm standing outside of my comfort zone. I present to you, a hair colouring gone bad (but I love it nonetheless):

The reactions on the street are amusing to say the least. Cars stop to let me pass (even when I shouldn't be crossing the street there), bikers nearly turn into that girl from the Exorcist (they don't even try to hide that they're staring) and I don't really know what's going on at this point. Are the people in this country really so alien when it comes to bright hair dye?

The colour of the eyebrows is all lip liner and only applied for this shoot. In reality they don't match my hair colour and you can totally see the red is fake. Ugh. (for the people who don't speak fluent sarcasm - that was sarcasm)

Contemplating a name change. How does Ariël sound? 

Here's a quote that is completely unrelated to everything I just said:
Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.”
Lemony Snicket


dinsdag 16 oktober 2012

Flying in

(i never said anything about regular updates!)

It's been raining non-stop.
But I found this quote: “You are the silence in between what I thought and what I said.” And somehow it makes me happier. I love words.
I also love unexpected visitors, like the ladybug in my living room today.

It's currently hiding from the rain, buzzing around, and I'm trying to make up a name to call him. Let's re-check the names of characters from the countless series I watch: Castiel, Loki, Winchester, Pond...

- Maria.

donderdag 4 oktober 2012

Bird's thoughts

Sometimes, I like to imagine things. Sometimes, I sit in the train and I have my music blaring through my headphones and I imagine that I play the leading role in a movie. And that the song that's currently playing is the soundtrack edited in.
And I like that imagination, because I get to decide what happens next.
(don't ruin it by saying that the leading role doesn't decide what happens in a movie - it's my movie. i can do whatever i want.)
Sometimes, I like to imagine I'm a bird.

If I could choose I would be either a swallow or an eurasian jay.

(i've made a different watermark, i like this one better)

But you don't need to be a bird to fly - 
Iron Man's suit would work just as well.

- Maria.

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012


Yesterday, I couldn't get out of bed. The sun was shining outside and I turned to my other side, closing my eyes again.

Before I knew it, my mum parades into my room (yes, I still live with my parents and no, I don't have any plans to move out soon) and starts rattling off a list of things I should be doing.
Like my essay that's due tomorrow.
Here, have some pictures of my lazy morning and I'll just go and sulk, because the sun isn't shining today and my essay isn't done yet.

Did you see my fancy new watermark? Yeah, I don't like it either.

Oh, I also started a course of new medication for my skin and wanted to show off how tough I am. 
(because I need to get my blood drawn every month or so)


- Maria.